Metal Analysis using AAS, ICP-OES and XRF (MAT101)

About this Training

This course will cover the different spectrophotometric techniques in metal analysis wherein participants will gain thorough knowledge on the basic principles and be able to identify applications of XRF, AAS, and ICP-OES.

Mark Anthony C. Esmael, RCh
About the Speaker
Mr. Mark Anthony C. Esmael, RCh
Laboratory Head, NASAT Labs
Mr. Esmael is an experienced instructor in many areas. He has conducted several trainings such as Water Analysis Techniques, Particle Size Analysis, and Advanced Analytical Techniques used in Chemical Laboratories. He has also acquired profound and in-depth training of advanced analytical instruments in Singapore, China, and several other countries. He has acquired a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Manila) and has received several units for a Master of Science in Chemistry from the De La Salle University. Before becoming the Laboratory Head of NASAT Labs, he was a chemist, at Robinsons Land Corporation Environmental Laboratory Section under JG Summit Holdings Inc.

Training Schedule

  • Check out training calendar for more information.
  • Customer-site trainings and private webinar trainings are also available.
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  • Customer-site trainings and private webinar trainings are available.
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