Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS)

About this Service

Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) is a precise analytical technique used for the quantitative determination of chemical elements. This method relies on the absorption of optical radiation (light) by free atoms in the gaseous state, allowing for accurate elemental analysis.

  • Elemental Analysis: AAS is used to analyze a wide range of elements, including Manganese, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Barium, Cadmium, Lead, Nickel, Selenium, Arsenic, and more.
  • Quantitative Determination: This technique provides precise measurements of element concentrations, making it invaluable for various industries and research fields.
  • Versatility: AAS is applicable to diverse sample types, including environmental, biological, and industrial materials.

Atomic Absorption Spectrometry is essential for ensuring the quality and safety of products, monitoring environmental pollutants, and conducting research in fields such as chemistry, biology, and materials science. Its accuracy and reliability make it a cornerstone of elemental analysis.

About the Image: Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) using Hitachi ZA3000 Series Polarized Zeeman Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer